Welcome to Day 5 of the Broken Mirrors tour! Let’s take a look at Through a Shattered Glass by Sarah Pennington, a blend of “The Snow Queen” and the Alice in Wonderland tales.
Drop the mirror and you break the world in two.
Alys hasn’t set foot in Wonderland in years. Not since the White Queen’s mirror shattered; not since her best friend, Kai Hatter, was killed; not since Alys fled back to her own world with a shard of enchanted mirror in her eye. She’s done her best to set aside the past and move on — until a red-painted rose appears in her room, and the portal opens once more.
Simultaneously desperate for hope and terrified of what she might find — or cause — Alys ventures back through the mirror. But the Wonderland she finds is not the same one she left behind, and though Kai is less dead than she thought, he still might be past saving. To make matters worse, the mirror shard is still in Alys’s eye, and Wonderland is all too susceptible to its corrupting power.
Only Alys can save the land and friend she loves — but if she’s not careful, she might be their doom instead.
A dark portal fantasy remix of The Snow Queen and Lewis Carroll’s Alice duology.
About the Author

Sarah Pennington has been writing stories since before she actually knew how to write, and she has no intention of stopping anytime soon. She is perpetually in the middle of writing at least one or two novels, most of which are in the fantasy and fairy tale retelling genres. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys knitting, photography, and trying to conquer her massive to-be-read list.
Sticker Promo:

Anyone who preordered Through a Shattered Glass or who purchases the paperback on release day can submit a proof of purchase to receive a set of character art stickers featuring art by the lovely Chloe Grace (@chloegraceartist on Instagram). One set of stickers per person; proof of purchase must be submitted by end of day on December 26.