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Hope Sustained

“It is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us. This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary. Jesus has already gone in there for us. He has become our eternal High Priest.” –Hebrews 6:18-20

Hope is a strange thing. It can feel so fleeting, like the whisper of a dream floating away on the first gentle breeze. How can we stake our lives on something so fragile, something that could be snatched away from us without a moment’s warning?

Our hope in Jesus is firm. It will never fade. But that’s because it’s based on something that will never fade. God’s character is steady, never changing and always sure. He is the same today as He was six thousand years ago, and He will still be the same six thousand years from now.

Because God is so steady, we can have confidence that He will always do what He says. He has promised that if we believe in Jesus—believe that He died to take our sins upon Himself and came back to life to give us eternal life with Him—then we are part of His family and have full access to Him. We will never be separated from Him again.

This hope is founded on Jesus. He is our eternal high priest. He offered His own blood on our behalf, and that perfect sacrifice paid the price for the sins of all people, for all time. God has accepted Him, and because God never changes, the power of Jesus’ sacrifice will never change.

This then is our great hope—Jesus has died, Jesus has risen, and Jesus will come again. We now have purpose in our lives as we live every day filled with God’s Spirit, serving God as we wait for Jesus to return and usher us into a new world where we will live in God’s presence forever.

We’re still waiting for the conclusion. But our hope is certain.

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