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The God Who Cares

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“You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways.” (Psalm 139:3)

In Psalm 139, David wrote about a great mystery. The God of the universe, the God Who created everything that we see, the God Who has been here for all eternity, takes the time to know each of us personally. He is with us wherever we go, leading us in the right way and protecting us from our enemies. He made each of us individually, paying special attention to every detail. He thinks about us all the time, and He knows every word we speak before we even think it. He pays attention to everything we do, even to when we sit down or stand up. There is nowhere we can go where He is not, nothing we can do that will surprise Him. From the very beginning, He has known every single thing about us.

This is so incredible to me. God is in control of everything that’s going on in the world. He’s overseen all the events in history, and He’s actively working in today’s circumstances. Obviously, He’s very busy—and yet He takes the time to think about me. And not just think about me; He sees everything I’ve ever done, said, or thought, and He knows what I will do in the future. Every day, He watches me, knowing exactly what I’m doing at any given second. Wherever I go, He’s right there with me. As David said, “You hem me in, behind and before, and lay Your hand upon me.” (v. 5) And I’m not the only one who gets this special treatment. God is just as interested in every single person who has ever lived and will live on earth.

We often view God as a distant being who might be too busy to really care about what we’re doing. We know that He died to save us, so obviously He loves us, but… does He really care that I just stubbed my toe? Does it matter to Him that I’ve misplaced my favorite book? Is He truly interested in knowing the names of my plants?

David seemed to think so. When he wrote that God is “acquainted with all [our] ways,” he wasn’t just talking about the “important” things. God knows and cares about every single thing in our lives. He thinks about us more than we can ever comprehend; His thoughts toward us are more numerous than the sand (vv. 17-18)! Basically, this all sums up to say that God loves us; He loves you. God made every single thing about you, and He is with you wherever you are. Truly, “[s]uch knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it.” (v. 6) We have such a wonderful God!

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