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Review--Fierce Heart

Title: Fierce Heart

Series: Elven Alliance (#1)

Author: Tara Grayce

Genre: YA Fantasy

Rating: 4/5 stars

Overview: This was so cute! I haven’t felt this particular way about a book in a while. It was definitely a fluff read, and yet it was so well-written and had such a good story that it really can’t be called a fluff read. With perfect-haired elves, a bit of battle, and a clean romance, what’s not to love?

Characters: Essie was a great heroine. She talks too much, but she knows it and embraces it and cares so much for everybody else. In an odd way, she reminded me of my best friend. She was actually my favorite character, which is most unusual; I typically prefer the side characters to the protagonist.

That’s not to say the side characters weren’t good, though. Farrendel was the best. He’s like Legolas, but a lot quieter and with a darker past. And even greater hair. (Essie’s obsession with his hair was hilarious. And totally relatable.)

Content: This is an arranged marriage story, but it’s actually quite clean romance-wise. Essie and Farrendel focus more on the relational side of their marriage than anything. They do kiss a few times at the end, one of which is somewhat detailed, but it’s definitely YA suitable.

There are a couple of battles, and some characters are injured. We see some blood, but nothing’s graphic.

The elves have magic, which usually plays a background goal to the story. There aren’t any spells; it’s just a natural ability they have.

Writing: The writing was fantastic. Plot-wise, there’s not much going on. It’s mostly just Essie figuring out life in the elven realm. But it never drags, and it kept me completely invested from the first page. I loved every minute.

I will say that the whole obsession with shampoo was a bit odd. It was funny, but it did pull me out of the story a little.

Summary: I expected a cute elf romance. I didn’t expect to be so completely pulled into this story and this world and these characters. I want the next book! I highly recommend this to fantasy fans aged 13+.

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